Friday, June 10, 2011

Wendy Gervais " Complete" (Energize Exhibition June 09-July 09)

Wendy Gervais
Collage and Mixed Media

Wendy Gervais was born in Saint John, New Brunswick. There, she completed a bachelor degree in history and anthropology. As well as being an advocate for education in the arts, Wendy is involved with the arts community with various programming and fundraising activities.

As I construct my art I consider the aesthetic decisions confronting me. I imagine what co-artist, friends or even family members would like me to do. Will they like the piece? In this state of conformity I consider this and then most often i react then act. My feelings of conformity disengage and a commitment to the process of art making ensues. I hesitate to say that my decisions become an act of defiance but assert that they are instilled with the knowledge that art making is an integral part of my being. This process although formal is not devoid of social or personal awareness. Clothing has socio-economic and emotional references in all societies. clothing is a reflection of style of a time and a place. Clothing  choices are explained by physical time and place. My comfort clothing series consists of approximately twenty mixed media works using clothing as subject. The idea originated from memories of sewing for long hours in my youth and teen years. The activity fostered an extensive knowledge of patterns, fabrics and layout formats as well as a frugality of materials and money. The two activities of art production and sewing are physically and emotionally similar. The art making process and the subsequent emotional activity remains a fascination to me.