Monday, June 13, 2011

Donna Marchyshyn Shymko " Windmills of Another Time" (Energize Exhibition June 09-July 09)

Donna Marchyshyn Shymko
Windmills of Another Time
Acrylic on Canvas
I cannot remember not being an artist. Most of my paintings begin with color choices, and more often than not, result in contemporary landscape paintings. I have now chosen to explore with acrylic paint on paper and canvas.

Everywhere you look the colors we see evoke an emotional response within us. I am inspired be a feeling when something I see in life basically hits me in the pit of my stomach, I get excited and creative!
There is usually no plan or particular scene in my mind when I start a contemporary painting. The process is lead by my mind’s eye and intuition. I love to explore the texture, color and pattern created by overlapping brush strokes, light against dark, the hues of color that are created when one color is overlapping another stirs the imagination. I like to use fluid acrylic in more of a watercolor technique rather than a thick textural method.
Everyone sees something different. It is my intent for the viewer to explore the images within. It is a personal journey of unexpected and delightful surprises, what do you see ?